WebQuest Evaluation

Genocide: Whose Problem Is it?
WebQuest by Tiffanie Goff

The WebQuest I chose to evaluate is intended for language arts/social studies students grades 6-8. The educational goal is to teach students more about the subject of genocide beyond the Holocaust. Students will also use research skills to locate useful information, presentation skills to clearly present the information on a powerpoint presentation, and will write a persuasive letter concerning the topic of responsibility as related to the task of stopping genocide throughout the world. While curriculum standards were provided for the state of Nevada, the following are 7th grade ELA GLCE’s for Michigan that would be met by using this WebQuest in the classroom:

R.CM.07.02: retell through concise summarization informational text

R.CM.07.03: analyze global themes, universal truths, and principles within and across texts to create a deeper understanding by drawing conclusions, making inferences, and synthesizing.

R.CM.07.04: apply significant knowledge from grade-level social studies information.

S.DS.07.04: plan and deliver a focused, coherent informational presentation using an informational organizational pattern that incorporates persuasive, non-verbal techniques, and provides explanations and descriptions supportive of the presentation’s focus and the backgrounds and interests of the audience.

L.CN.07.02: listen to or view critically while demonstrating appropriate social skills of audience behaviors.

-----> Pedagogical Strategies
-----> Use of Technology
-----> Functionality
-----> Suggestions